Longest Increasing Subsequence

Today we’re going to look at Longest Increasing Subsequence and we’re going to focus on providing the O(n2) solution. While there is a faster O(nlog(n)) solution, the O(n2) solution is more initiative and provides more learning for future problems you may see on interviews.

To understand the intuition behind the problem, you need to make note of a few things. Consider the input nums=[6, 7, -2, 0, 8, 2, 3]

1. The longest increasing subsequence in 0...i is one plus the lonest increasing subsequence that exists for all valid sequences possible in the range 0...j where j<i and the last number of the sequence is less than nums[i].

In our example, the longest sequence at i=4 (nums[4] = 8) is the longest sequence that exists in the subset of nums 0...i-1 ([6, 7, -2, 0]) and where the last number in the sequence is less than 8. In this case, the longest sequence is [6, 7].

2. We can always add a new number to the end of a sequence if that number is greater than the last number of the sequence.

Thus, to get the longest subsequence for a input nums[0…i], we need take the longest subsequence that can be generated for the subsets:
nums[0, 1]
nums[0, 2]

nums[0, i-1]

but we can only consider the subsets where the last number is less than nums[i]. If it was a higher number, the subsequence would not be strictly increasing.

And by fact #1, once we found a subsequence nums[0, j] that gives us the longest subsequence, we can make a even longer subsequence by adding nums[i] to the end.

Let’s denote f(nums, i) = the longest subsequence length for nums from index 0 to i. To run the algorithm above, we are going to be executing f(nums, i) for many times with the same value of i and ii) we’re also breaking the problem f(nums, i) to subproblems max (f(nums, 1), f(nums, 2)…f(nums, i-1)) considering the optimal solution to each subproblems in our final problem. This sounds like dynamic programing.

DP Table

The DP table is of length 0 to nums.length, where each position i keeps track of the longest subsequence length using a subset of nums, nums[0, i].


	public int lengthOfLIS(int[] nums) {

		int[] memo = new int[nums.length];
		Arrays.fill(memo, 1);

		if (nums.length == 1) {
			return 1;

		for (int i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {

			for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
				if (nums[j]  memo[i]) {
					memo[i] = memo[j] + 1;

		return memo[memo.length-1];


I’ve decided the keep the source code fairly verbose in order to maintain readability. While there are more efficient methods (to the O(n2) solution provided above, I believe it’s better (in terms of interview preparation) to write readable solutions in order to form key takeaways then to confuse people wile saving a small amount of memory.

As mentioned above, there is a more efficient O(nlong) solution, but we won’t cover that today.

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